The following guide appears in the May 2018 issue of Windsor Now & Then as part of our special feature, "Protecting Windsor's Pollinators."
If you'd like to read the entire issue, click HERE.

Host Plant — Caterpillar — Butterfly...Oh My!

Thanks to nature's intricate web, pollinators need plants to feed themselves (nectar) and their offspring (pollen), and plants need pollinators to help them reproduce. Pollinators are essential for a healthy planet, but they need our protection. The first step is learning to recognize them, and the plants they rely on. Here's a handy starter guide to some of Windsor's more common host plant and butterfly/moth relationships. Except where noted, all photos are by Amy Pulley.  

A warm thanks to the Wild & Scenic Westfield River Committee for supporting our community-wide initiative to celebrate, attract and protect Windsor's pollinators!