Windsor's Third Element: A Photo Gallery
"These early pioneers who came to Windsor and made their homes here were young men and women of a strong and rugged type. Courageous, energetic, and persevering, they cleared the land and put up their buildings and reared large families. They were hard toilers." (From Gabrielle Drew's Windsor history booklet published as part of Windsor's bicentennial in 1971.)
The April issue of FLASHBACKS, Vol. 4, took a look at how our town was shaped from its very start by the elements of wood and water. But a town's character is determined by its characters... Here, from the collection of the Windsor Historical Commission, are some of the photographs that best capture that third element of essential Windsor.
There is very limited information about these pictures, if you can add anything, please get in touch!
Susan Phillips
Click on the first photo to begin slideshow, then hover your mouse over each enlarged photo to read the detailed captions.
Arrows will appear to advance or move back to the next slide.